Sunday, September 4, 2011

Potty Training!

This is one of those post that no one really wants to read but I use this blog to journal so, bear with me! Kason is officially potty trained! yaaa!! NO MORE DIAPERS! I had tried to potty train him the traditional way a few months ago and it was a serious no-go. He was not having it and I was not interested in staying inside all day and taking him to the potty every 20 min. on the dot.
Luckily, he decided on his own that he was ready. He was at Steve's for the weekend and said, Dad I'm going to go potty in the big boy potty. He went. Steve told me about it so I thought I'd go with it and see if it stuck. It did!! A few accidents later we were all set. Even at night! Ah, so very nice!


  1. Yay Kayson!! Even at night?? It took Addie like a year later to hold it all night. Good job momma!

  2. How exciting! and no more will be saving millions! I can't wait for Nolan's turn, but I think it will be quite some time!
