Saturday, March 12, 2011


Every once in a while I stop and think about my daily routine. I notice the things that I do to make my life easier, or just because it's how I've always done it. I often watch my friends as they do their daily routine and notice that every one has their own idiosynchrasies. I'm really pretty laid back when it comes to the rules of household running. I don't cut my flour with a knife when measuring out a cup, I don't use a cutting board all the time and I deffinatly don't iron my sheets. I do have a few little tricks I've found actually helpful to me :)

Here's some of mine...

* When I do laundry, I put the cup that the detergent goes in, into the washer to wash with the clothes. The cup comes out clean with no soap residue.

* When I mop, I have to wear socks.

*In order to get anything done, I always have to have music blarring. It might be cleaning the house, making dinner or playing play-doh with Kason, music is always on.

*I keep a laundry hamper in the bathroom. This is where most of the dirty clothes come from anyway!

* I wash all my jeans inside out and air dry them.

* When cleaning, I have to do one room at a time, usally starting with the kitchen. If I try to do it all at once I get distracted and it never happens :)

These are just some of mine, What are yours?

1 comment:

  1. Ohh I got one...when cleaning up nolans high chair I tip it over and shake it so all the food and crumbs fall on the floor. That way I can sweep it up with the rest of the junk on the floor. I also wear socks while mopping. And if not, I hop on the counter afterword and wash my feet in the sink...not weird right?
