Monday, December 20, 2010

Thank you for...

We are church going people, if you couldn't tell already :) I have been trying to teach Kason to say his own prayers for a while now, and he is getting pretty good at it. Lately, he has wisened up and realized if he makes his bedtime prayers extra long then that means he gets to stay up just a little bit later. I swear, I'm in trouble! Anyway, I'll start him off with the usual opening lines and then he'll take off into ALL the things he's thankful for. Last night it went something like this...
Thank you for scooter
Thank you for tractor
Thank you for mommy
Thank you for daddy
thank you mama's car
thank you car seat
thank you backpack
thank you Jericho, Jaxton,Chad, Megan, Joee, Rushy, Allie (a few cousins/aunt/uncle)
thank you Joseph
thank you Mary
thank you baby Jesus
thank you.. (I finally cut in and wrapped it up at this point)

Every night it's something different, and really does amaze me at how much he pays attention.
He's a great reminder to me of ALL the things we have to be thankful for:)


  1. Love it & good reminder for us adults:) Out of the mouth of babes eh? Luke always wants to say the prayer & he will proceed to hit & yell "No! I say it!" the entire time if anyone else is chosen:/
