Thursday, October 21, 2010

The single mama's survival guide!

I guess I have an odd way of dealing with things...but I usually like to open up and make light of a hard situtation, it just makes it easier to deal with for me. So, bear with me!

Disclaimer: I do have a good relationship with my "ex" and he helps me out a lot...

Becoming a single mom is not something I planned..but hey, it's my life so I'm learning to cope with it. There are lots of different types of challenges but these are some that I've encountered on a day to day basis.

Situation #1: You're in the kitchen making dinner after a long day of work and decide to make the usual feast..spaghetti. You go to open your can of tomato sauce and the lid just won't turn to hand it to your....oh wait...shoot it's just you and the can now! Rather than sink to the floor and cry over what your life has's my solution...GET A GRIP! Holy Product endorsement, I know. This is just a little piece of rubber that you put over the can. I tell ya, works like a charm!
Situation #2: Your trying to hang up some recent photos of your kids or whatever and you just can't tell if the frame is hanging straight. You are stuck holding up the frame while straining your arms to try and scoot back as far as your can to see if it is straight or not. I for one, do not have go-go gadget arms so I've discovered these beauties! You can stick them on the wall-scoot back and observe and then come back and move it if you need to.
I'm learning all kinds of things. Changing a tire, mowing the lawn, grilling, drilling, nailing...sheesh why do I feel the sudden erge to get a pedicure?!

1 comment:


    So glad to see you are handling life. As we know, it can be so tricky these days. Who said we were ready to grow up anyway? I miss you Brie. And your little guy isn't so little anymore! I'll be sure to call you next time Im in UP so we can catch up. Or maybe ignore the obvious and just talk about Modern Family.
